Tell us about your experience

Sharing your own stories, experiences, ideas about volunteering and altruism is essential for GenerazioneAltruista. We believe sharing is crucial both for the ones that directly participated in the experience, and for those who are not aware and would like to investigate these topics. 

Youngers’ people reports are fundamentals to fully understand what volunteering is about and what it will give to each of us. If you have a selfless experience to tell us about and you would like to share it on our website please send us an email at, we will get in touch as soon as possible with all the details to move forward!

Read about selfless stories READ ABOUT SELFLESS STORIES


``Let's kick disability together`` - Luca Marro


``Altruism`` - di Valeria F.


``A working lab`` - Lorenzo La Fortezza


``Help each other? You can!” - Ilaria Bardini


``A day for others`` - Matteo Passagnoli


``Sport is.. future! 3E meets ADS Futura ” - Sara De Meo e Luca Piccolo
