Volunteering activities

In order to reduce and prevent the Covid-19 spread we have to inform you that a lot of our volunteering activities are suspended, even though you can still find them on the calendar.

In such a difficult time it is crucial to stay home in order to protect our own health and especially the one of those more threatened (elder people, immunosuppressed by their underlying disease).

We have to stay together, whilst at distance, with the aim to create a caring society, supportive and close-knit!

We keep collecting volunteering opportunities, here is how to find the one that suits you most.

Looking at the calendar you can check how many volunteering activities are available every day (the number in the box shows the number of projects for that day).

By clicking the “show” button you’ll open a window with the details about them.

You can also filter the projects if you like. You can choose the sort of task (e.g.: more or less flexible), the beneficiary category, the time slot or even the specific association or school you want to help. Obviously the number of available projects will be reduced due to the filters applied.